
My World Race Blog: thoughts, testimonies, and updates!!

Hello all!!

I’m officially going on THE WORLD RACE in September 2024!!!! this means I’ll be spending 11 months in 6 different countries partnering with ministries around the world!!

How did I get here?

The Lord.

A little over 4 years ago I spent my summer in Medellin, Colombia where I spent my first month working alongside a world race team as we partnered with @fundacion_ciudad_refugio — not only did that trip change my perspective of the Lord through working there, but some racers came alongside me and championed me in ways I never could’ve imagined. (@american_morgan u rock) There was one moment specifically toward the end of their time being there where Morgan took me aside and said she had gotten an image/vision for me from the Lord. This was completely new to me but I accepted it with no hesitation. To this day I think about this vision and how the Lord has been so faithful to reveal His character to me through every season. The racers I met embodied an undeniable zeal for Christ and fire for the Holy Spirit that I had never experienced before. Through praying for healing for people or modeling Jesus’ most authentic discipleship, I knew I wanted to cultivate a faith like theirs… a faith with no bounds… a faith based on love.

March 2019 when I found out I would be living in Medellin, Colombia for 2 months during the summer!! Where it all began <3

I truly believe that Summer of 2019 is when I met the Jesus that is alive. Since then, I have felt a deep desire and calling to partner with the Lord around the world through the race specifically.

Funny enough, this is actually my second time applying for the race. I was planning on going on the Expedition route scheduled for August of 2022 when the Lord gently redirected me to stay in Seattle to do a college ministry internship. While it was a “not yet” at the time, I knew the door was not closed fully because the desire to partner with kingdom work around the world remained heavy on my heart, specifically the race.

Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” Habakkuk 1:5 (NIV) —-> This was the verse that confirmed in my heart that the Lord was calling me abroad during the discernment of applying for the race the first time.

Having finished up the college ministry internship I really didn’t know what was next, all I knew is that I wanted to do ministry. The World Race had not been on my radar again until one of my friends started talking about it and encouraged me to apply again. Next thing I know I am interviewing and have since committed. My heart is so full.

While yes, this trip isn’t for a while, I believe that the Lord is using this year to heal me and that I would establish deeper intimacy with Him. I am relearning so much about His character and am eager to continue learning for the rest of my life.

So why am I announcing this so early you might ask?? because as part of going on the race, I need to fundraise $19,000 to go!!! would you consider partnering with me financially or through prayer as I prepare to launch in 10 months??

If you would like to donate you can Venmo me @ haleyosborn_23 OR check out my support page –> (CLICK HERE)

I am soooo grateful for everyone who has supported me and encouraged me along the way — truly, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. All support means the world to me and I hope you would consider partnering with me again as the Lord and I travel together.

Love you all deeply, excited for what’s to come. Let’s freakin goooooo !! Talk to u soon <3

Haley <3

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Haley Osborn

This blog for Haley Osborn is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.